Why yes I have jumped onto the blogging bandwagon. The question is why?
The answer is why not? No seriously, while I feel that blogging has possibly become incredibly passe, I feel that I have wanted an avenue for a while to express my feelings on certain matters by want of the (non)printed word. So here I am.
I am not trying to break any new ground or become any way authoritative on any subjects, but I just would like to share some thoughts on culture, history, places and politics (mainly international for State Service Code reasons) amongst other things. You know, all that small stuff.
So on this blog I will share my thoughts, some you may agree with, some you may not, or you may not even be bothered to read at all!
However, its a bit of a bandwagon, so lets jump on it.
To kick things off, for your viewing pleasure here is possibly the most amazing perfomrance of live music ever.
The Who performing Sparks at Woodstock